Have Sandra paint an original just for you

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About Sandra

Sandra Greigg is a self taught artist who won the prestigious Grumbacher Award in St. Petersburg, Florida in 2002. The award was given for her colored pencil artwork of a Native American woman titled “Lost In Time.” In 2007, Sandra entered an art competition at the annual Nippie Bipper Art Festival where she won first place in art. She specializes in several different media including oils, acrylic, colored pencil and watercolor.

Sandra was born in 1950 ini Christiana, Delaware. She spent much of her adult life in Pinellas County, Florida before moving to Bradley County, Tennessee two years ago. During her time in Florida she won four first-place awards at the Pinellas Park Art Center. While living in Florida she was a professional beautician for over 17 years. In her last five years as a beautcian she began taking art classes again at the Pinellas Park Art Center and specializing in nature and wildlife art. Sandra relocated back to Florida in 2012, and is now residing in Citrus County.

Since moving back to Florida with her husband, she has retired and has been devouting more time to her passions, artwork and horses. She has been focusing on entering her artwork into competitions, inluding a recent entry into an art exhibit in Harrisonburg, Virginia. One of Greigg’s oil paintings, a wolf painted on a horse skull was one of 90 paintings selected out of 600 entries. Her artwork is displayed in several galleries in Cleveland, Tennessee, Waynesville, North Carolina and Harrisonburg, Virginia


Sandra Greig



Purchase A Print From Sandra

Sandra accepts all purchases via paypal. Please note, paypal now allows you to pay with any major credit card or debit card. Upon purchase, your shipping will be figured and you will be contacted for your shipping payment. Your print will ship within a week of payment.

Please use the contact page for enquiries about bespoke works.



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Have Sandra Paint An Original Just For You

Sandra is the perfect artist to create a work just for you. Her desire to capture the essence of what she is portraying is key to the delivery of a piee of art that you will love. One of her specialties is animal artwork. She would be delighted to work alongside you to create an image of any animal you desire, represented in the way you wish.

Above is an image created on art board using fine pastel pencils for a client who wished to capture the essence of “Tanner.” Please contact Sandra with your wishes and she will be happy to assist you.
